Best Triceps Workout at Home: Sculpt Your Arms

Having robust arms is crucial for numerous daily upper body activities, with the triceps serving as powerful contributors. Whether pushing a door, stroller, lawnmower, or barbell, your triceps are actively engaged. Additionally, robust triceps are indispensable for training various muscle groups, playing a key role in exercises like push-ups and chest presses.

The triceps consist of three heads—the long head, lateral head, and medial head. While all heads contract during triceps exercises, certain movements emphasize specific parts. To cultivate strong and firm triceps, it’s essential to incorporate exercises targeting all muscle fibers from various angles.

Bodyweight Exercises

No home exercise equipment? Utilize your body’s natural resistance. From diverse push-up variations to straightforward triceps dips, feeble triceps are no match.

1. Close-Grip (Narrow-Grip) Push-Up

Begin in a solid plank position with tightened abs, maintaining a straight line from heels to head.

Position hands closer than shoulder-width apart, avoiding contact or in a diamond shape.

Lower yourself to the floor, keeping elbows close to the torso, then push back up.

Pro tip: Engage your abs throughout for an added core workout.

2. Diamond (or Triangle) Push-Up

Start in a plank position, with hands directly beneath the chest, creating a diamond shape.

Lower yourself to the floor, keeping elbows close to the torso, and push back up.

Pro tip: Avoid flaring your elbows to activate your triceps.

3. Pike Push-Up

Begin in Downward-Facing Dog, forming a triangle with your body.

While keeping your hips up, bend elbows to lower your body, then push back up.

Pro tip: Elevate your feet for increased difficulty.

4. Bodyweight Triceps Extension

Start in a forearm plank position, with elbows under shoulders and hands in front.

Press through your hands, lift into a high plank, and slowly lower until elbows touch the floor.

Pro tip: Keep hands in front of your body, go slow, and tuck elbows to target triceps.

5. High-Low Plank (or Walking Plank)

Begin in a plank position, lowering right forearm to the floor, then left forearm.

Move back into a high plank, alternating leading with the right and left hands.

Pro tip: Maintain even hips and tight abs throughout the exercise.

6. Bench Triceps Dip

Utilize a couch, bench, or sturdy chair for this workout.

Sit on the bench with hands placed beside hips, thumbs next to hips, and fingers pointing toward the floor. Extend legs straight, shifting glutes in front of the bench, distributing body weight onto your hands.

Lower your body gradually until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle, then press back up to the starting position.

Pro tip: Adjust difficulty by bending your knees for an easier version or placing feet on a chair for added challenge, elevating both upper and lower body.

7. Triceps Bow (aka Dive Bomber)

Position hands shoulder-width apart on a bar, counter, or table edge, getting into a plank stance.

Maintain elbows at your torso’s sides, ensuring a straight back and head as you bend elbows to bring your head under the bar, counter, or table.

 Push your body back up to the starting position.

Pro tip: Increase difficulty by moving feet further from the bar.

Exercises with Dumbbells

Dumbbells introduce resistance and allow for progressive challenges as strength improves. Even with just one set of weights, you can achieve effective results.

1. Triceps Kickback

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other), slightly bend knees, and lean forward at the hips. Keep abs tight and head aligned with the spine, almost parallel to the floor.

Tuck upper arms close and hold dumbbells at a 90-degree angle. Extend arms, isolating your triceps. Return hands to the starting position.

Pro tip: Keep upper arms and elbows stable for optimal triceps engagement.

2. Double Dumbbell Skullcrusher (Lying Overhead Triceps Extension)

Lie on the floor or a bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip. Extend arms straight toward the ceiling.

Keep upper arms and elbows steady, bending at the elbows, slowly lowering dumbbells to a 90-degree angle.

Return arms (and dumbbells) slowly to the starting position.

Pro tip: Bend knees to ease pressure on the lower back.

3. Overhead Triceps Extension

Do this exercise standing or seated.

Hold dumbbells overhead in a neutral grip, arms straight, and feet hip-width apart. With upper arms by ears and dumbbells touching, bend elbows, lowering weights behind your head.

Push weights back up to the starting position.

Pro tip: Keep upper arms steady to isolate triceps effectively.

4. Dumbbell Floor Press

Lie on the floor with bent knees, holding dumbbells in an overhand grip. Rest triceps on the floor, arms at 90-degree angles.

Press dumbbells toward the ceiling, lightly touching as arms fully extend. Bring them back to the starting position.

Pro tip: This exercise minimizes shoulder pressure while engaging chest and arms.

5. Close-Grip Dumbbell Press

Position yourself on the floor with knees bent. Grasp a single dumbbell with both hands, holding it over your chest.

Press the dumbbell toward the ceiling, fully extending your arms. Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position.

Pro tip: This exercise not only targets your triceps but also engages your chest muscles.

Warm-Up and Stretching Reminder

Before diving into your workout, prioritize warm-ups and stretching to enhance flexibility and prevent injuries.

“Initiate with 5 to 10 minutes of cardio to boost blood flow. Follow it up with triceps warm-up exercises, such as 20 triceps extensions or kickbacks without weight.”

Include an overhead stretch by raising one arm towards the ceiling, bending it at the elbow, and placing your hand behind your head. Use your other arm to gently pull on the bent elbow, effectively stretching your triceps.

A Holistic Routine for Taut Underarms

Establishing a consistent routine that encompasses warm-ups, stretching, and a series of triceps exercises contributes to toned and slender underarms. Notably, this routine not only strengthens your triceps but also activates adjacent muscle groups, including shoulders, biceps, and pectorals.

Strengthening small muscle groups like the triceps doesn’t require extensive effort. A combination of consistency and periodic routine changes every 3 to 4 weeks can yield noticeable improvements in muscle tone and strength.

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