Best Biceps Workout at Home Without Equipment

Well-defined and muscular-looking biceps do not necessarily have to be gained from going to a fully equipped gym or even from having dumbbells. One can easily train one’s biceps at home with no kind of equipment at all by only relying on body weight and different ordinary things one might have at home in order to train the muscles properly and boost arm strength. This guide for biceps workout at home without equipment, therefore, help you exercise the best-suited biceps workout at home without dumbbells.

Benefits of Biceps Workouts at Home

Benefits of regular biceps workout at home without equipment are as follows:

  • Economical: In terms of spending in the gym and also buying the equipment.
  • Convenient: Adds to the flexibility in the workout schedule and scraps travel time completely.
  • Easy to Adjust: Workouts are easy to modify to increase or decrease the level of difficulty.
  • Safe: Lesser risk of getting hurt as with heavy weightlifting.

Biceps Workout at Home Without Equipment

1. Diamond Push-Ups

Sets/Reps: 4 sets of 10-12 reps.


Primarily a triceps exercise, the diamond push-up performed correctly does have biceps work involved, making it an excellent addition to any at-home biceps workout without dumbbells.


  • Place your hands on the floor, fingers touching. They should form a diamond shape.
  • Extend your legs back behind you in a plank position.
  • Lower your body by bending at the elbows—aim to touch your chest to your hands.
  • Extend your arms and raise yourself up off of the ground by extending your palms.

2. Doorway Curls

Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Yet another type of workout for the biceps is one that can be easily done at home with absolutely no equipment required other than the need for resistance, provided by a doorway in this case.


  • Stand facing out in a doorway and grab the edges at thigh level with both hands.
  • Step back a bit to create some tension by leaning backward.
  • Now do an arm curl, curling yourself toward the door, then slowly lower.

3. Towel Curls

Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Towel curls are a good innovation of bicep workout at home without weights —only a towel and a strong door. The exercise imitates an action of the bicep curl.


  • Loop a towel over the top of a door and hold one end in each hand.
  • Step back to create tension in the towel; your arms should be straight.
  • Do a curl by drawing the ends of the towel. You must do this, keeping your elbows fixed by your sides.
  • Slowly bring back your arms into the original or starting position.

4. Backpack Curls

Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Backpack curls, in fact, could simulate regular or traditional curls in that they are a great exercise for biceps at home without dumbbells, but just with everyday things or items around the house.

How to perform:

  • Fill a backpack with books or something else heavy.
  • Grasp the backpack by the straps with both hands and your arms extended.
  • Bend your elbows curling the backpack toward your chest, then lower slowly.

5. Isometric Bicep Holds

Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 30 seconds each


Isometric bicep holds are phenomenal exercises for bicep workout at home without weights. The exercise brings strength and endurance of the biceps through static tension.


  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you, palms up.
  • Clench your fists and contract your biceps as hard as possible, holding.

6. Inverted Rows

Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 8-10 reps


Inverted rows are one of the best biceps exercises done with no equipment at home. It strengthens both the biceps and the back muscles.


  • Find a solid table or a low bar.
  • Lie underneath, looking to hold the edge or the bar with an underhand grip. Pull your chest up to the bar, then lower down
  • while keeping your body in a straight line.

All these exercises, when combined, assure you get a complete biceps workout at home without equipment, and are recommended for anyone looking to enhance their arm strength and detailing. You have to remain consistent with the proper form in order to reveal the results of your home-based biceps workout exercises without equipment. With a consistent exercise routine, you can achieve appreciable size and strength in the bicep muscles of your home. A possible challenge is to come up with a workable regime capable of working the bicep without special equipment.

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